Map of My Soul: DREAM (Fya ver.)

⏭Intro: Who Am I?

I am Ratna Taufik (a.k.a Fya), writing this as a new legal adult of 17. I was born in München, one of the big cities in Germany, on March 1st, 2002. Originally, my family and I lived in the capital city, Jakarta, but then we moved to Bandung for some reasons.
One of them was because my parents want me to study here. Ratna Indriani and Mohamad Taufik are their names. You can see that my first name is my mom's name and my last name is my dad's. That is why I prefer to be called Fya. It makes me feel like you are actually calling me, and not my parents. As the oldest of the 4 Taufik girls, I tend to be a little bossy with things. You can ask my sisters for details and they will give you a full essay talking about it. I know that is something that Amira(14), Humaira(11), and Aila(8) will do. They are just like normal sisters: sometimes a friend, most of the times enemy.

⏭My Favorite Things

During my 17 years of living, I have tried and joined various things that anyone can imagine. I have joined an acting school, photography school, dancing school, basketball club, English school, art school, violin school, guitar school, science club, Aikido club (ever since I was 5 until now), fencing club, horse-riding club, archery club, swimming club, books club, German school, creative writing club, red cross club, and the list goes on (I don't think I've mentioned all). Some of the things I mentioned are still in my routines even now, but that doesn't mean that I actually enjoy doing these things.
Part of it is because of my parents' regret. They felt like they should have done a lot of things in the past but didn't have the chance. That's why, instead, they gave me all the chances while I was/am still young and have the time in my hands.
Out of all the activities that I've tried, there is one that I am passionate about but doesn't really suitable for my current condition. It is dancing. I love dancing, and I have to admit that it is one of my hidden and buried talent. I used to be in a dance club when I was in elementary school. Plus, I have won and joined a few dancing competitions during those days. So why did I stop? Well, it is because I have reached a mature age (puberty), which means that I am not allowed to dance and show off my moves to just any people according to Islam. I am a bit sad about this, to be honest. But I still can dance inside my house without anyone looking. And there you have it, my hobby is secretly dancing in my room.

All My Perfect Imperfections

Nobody in this world is flawless. As a human, I do have my own strengths and weaknesses. One of my strengths is my intrapersonal skill, which is the ability to knowing and understanding myself. I do a lot of introspection and it makes me realize all the mistakes I have done. But this skill comes with one of my weakness, which is the lack of interpersonal skill. I tend to refer everything back to me that I don't realize that things are not always because of me, including the failures that I go through.
This leads to my next strength that can also be my weakness, which is a perfectionist. This trait makes me a hard worker and detailed in tasks, but also makes me easily pessimistic, a time-waster, and an easily bothered person. Being perfectionist is always being on the extreme side. I am always either too diligent or too lazy, thinking too hard or not thinking at all, care too much or super careless, etc. That is why being a perfectionist is sometimes a good thing, but most of the times not.
Other than that, I am a curious, detailed, and good at analyzing kind of person. These traits help me a lot in my study at school. I can also adapt quickly to a new environment. Part of it is because of my language skills that are well trained since I was young.

"I want it, I got it" Moments

I have had quite a lot of achievements since I was young. I remember that I was awarded as the best student in kindergarten and I was so shocked when they told me to go to the stage in front of all the people. I was also a student with the highest score on the report card and the UN in the entire school during elementary school and also middle school. It was pretty shocking, to be honest. Aside from school achievements, I was also 3 times in a row semifinalist in OSK (Olimpiade Sains Kuark) and also a winner for some math-science competitions that I already forgot. Other than academic achievements, I also won some short story making competitions, poem-making, and the most unbelievable one was an Islamic fashion show. All of these are some small victories that even I, myself, have already forgotten about the details.
One big personal achievement that I still and will always remember is when I completed my exchange year in Texas, USA. It was such a valuable experience to live alone in such a totally different and great country like the USA. And being able to successfully finish the year is a huge personal achievement for me.

⏭Destination & the Roads I've Taken

I really want to be a psychologist. I find human minds to be very interesting. That was why i joined the Psychology and Neuroscience conference in Boston by NSLC. That program gave me knowledges and touch-on experiences regarding the field and colleges. 

⏭Outro: Love Myself 💜


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